Count Every Vote National Peace Vigil


The primary jobs of the Grassroots Election Protection State coordinators in the key swing states (WI, MI, OH, PA, NC, FL, AZ) are:

1.  To assemble a complete understanding of all state laws pertaining to the conduct of the 2020 fall election in their state, to be on call to provide that information and legal assistance wherever requested, to file lawsuits or assist with them where necessary;

2.  To get a grasp on all the key state and county election personnel in those state and establish working relationships wherever possible;

3.  To know the politics within the state and counties pertaining to this fall’s election and to jump in where needed.

4.   To recruit and hire grassroots organizers and polls workers for each of the key counties within those states.

5.  To network a working coalition of the organizations set to do election protection (or already doing it) within those states.  

6.  State coordinators already in place include Bob Fitrakis (OH), Joel Segal (NC), John Brakey (AZ, with involvement in FL & MI).  Progressive Democrats of America also has people working in MI, PA and FL.  


Grassroots election protection county-level activists will be hired and directed by our state coordinators.  But they work with the understanding there are wide variations between local election boards, with very different political and legal situations to navigate.   Among much more they must:

            •           Hook up with an EP organization already in place. 
            •           Learn everything about how your county will conduct its election.
            •           Apply to get on the election board
            •           Learn everything you can about who’s already on it. 
            •           Apply to be a poll worker.
            •           Learn how to become a ballot acceptance worker/observer.
            •           Inspect the voter rolls.
            •           Find those who’ve been wrongly stripped & get them re-registered. 
            •           Register new voters (maybe using your cell phone or laptop).
            •           Spread ballot applications far & wide.
            •           Encourage early mail-outs of ballot applications.
            •           Watch how the actual ballots are drafted       
            •           Follow the trail of how they’re printed.
            •           Make sure enough are printed for all potential voters. 
            •           Encourage their rapid return from the printer.
            •           Watch to see that the ballots go out as early as possible.
            •           Watch to see the ballots go to everyone who is due one. 
            •           Make sure envelopes have return postage on them. 
            •           Be available to help those who are confused or restricted in voting. 
            •           Protect the acceptance of rightfully submitted ballots.
            •           Encourage early voting.
            •           Get sports arenas accepted as voting centers.
            •           Encourage neighborhood drop boxes. 
            •           Prepare to non-violently confront anti-vote terrorists. 
            •           Monitor the chains of custody.
            •           Prepare to protect ballots from troops deployed by the White House.
            •           Protect digital scanners from being hacked. 
            •           Help feed ballots into the digital scanners.
            •           Make sure digital ballot images are preserved.

Work to guarantee recounts meet legal deadlines.  We will stick with the job until the election is certified & the rightful winner is in the White House..