New Tool to Verify Election Results: ABE

PART ONE:  Introducing a Groundbreaking New Tool to Verify Election Results Utilizing Abe’s BIA (Ballot Image Audit) System: A Key to Trustworthy Elections, Bridging Our Great Divide with Abe BIA System. Part 1 of 2: Link to video:

03.23 John Brakey, director of AUDIT USA, will give the opening introduction from his 20 years of experience in elections and why Abe is important:

25:54 Bennie Smith will demonstrate the ABE ballot-image auditing tool.

49.56  Sen Ken Bennett, a Republican and former Arizona Secretary of State, will explain the ballot-image legislation Senate Bill SB1631 on the new BIA tool.


·       ELECTIONS    Digital Ballot Images: Key to Trustworthy Elections & Bridging Our Great Divide Given the extent to which election transparency is in the public interest, we are all stakeholders with a constructive role to play in finding the right way to achieve it: JOHN R. BRAKEY 05/19/23:  

PART TWO: Q & A:  Introducing a Groundbreaking New Tool to Verify Election Results Utilizing Abe’s BIA System: A Key to Trustworthy Elections, Bridging Our Great Divide with Abe BIA System. Part 1of 2:

Sen Ken Bennett has re-introduced our bill and it’s already passed one committee in the Arizona senate. Bill number is SB1653. Video from Senate, Ken Bennett explains the bill.

February 23, 2024

Groundbreaking new tool for verifying election results.

Corte Madera, CA – Please join us either in person or by livestream for an extraordinary election event! AUDIT USA ( will be introducing ABE, a ballot-image auditing tool that represents a significant leap forward in allowing the public and election officials to unofficially verify election results. AUDIT USA will be introducing this exciting new verification method in a presentation at the Sunrise Center in Corte Madera, CA on Monday evening, February 26, at 7 PM Pacific Standard Time.

The event will include three presentations. John Brakey, director of AUDIT USA, will give the opening introduction, followed by a presentation by Bennie Smith, a Democratic member of the Tennessee State Board of Elections, who will demonstrate the ABE ballot-image auditing tool.  The third presenter will be Arizona State Senator Ken Bennett, a Republican and former Arizona Secretary of State, who will explain the ballot-image legislation that he has introduced in the current session of the Arizona legislature.

“We are calling our ballot-image auditing tool ‘ABE’ after Abe Lincoln,” Brakey said. “Lincoln was a believer in transparency, and we are highlighting his quote, ‘I have faith in the people. They will NOT consent to disunion. The danger is, they are misled. Let them know the truth, and the country is safe.’ Truth equals transparency, so the question then becomes, how can we make sure that the process of verifying our election results is a transparent process that everyone can believe in?”

“We firmly believe that this straightforward verification method will not only bolster voter confidence in election outcomes but also streamline results verification for the public and for election officials through an independent system that operates separately from the EMS (Election Management System),” Smith added.

The three presentations will be followed by questions from the public (those in attendance and online viewers), and a panel discussion with panel members John Brakey, Bennie Smith, Ken Bennett, and Lori Grace, the founder of the Sunrise Center and one of the first people in the U.S. to endorse the use of ballot images in the 2013 Humboldt County Election Transparency Project, a citizen-sponsored initiative to confirm election results.

The presenters and panelists will look at the reality that the United States is facing a repeat of profound civil unrest and likely election challenges in November 2024. The basis for much of this unrest is the fact that a large percentage of Americans do not believe the results of an election if their candidate loses. Our new auditing tool should help to increase voter confidence and decrease election challenges because anyone will be able to unofficially check election results for themselves.

We hope you will join us for this groundbreaking new approach to auditing elections and verifying election results!

For questions specifically about the ballot image audit tool, please email:


John Brakey, Director                                                